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Celebrating 11 Epic Years of Avicii’s ‘Wake Me Up’

Today marks the 11th anniversary of the release of Avicii‘s iconic song ‘Wake Me Up’ . When the Swedish-born DJ and Producer, already renowned for his timeless classic ‘Levels’, first played this song, it became evident that ‘Wake Me Up’ would transcend boundaries and unite people worldwide.

‘Wake Me Up’ seamlessly blends uplifting beats with heart-rending lyrics that evoke strong emotions. For many, such as millennials, this song was a coming-of-age one, marking the next step in life: adulthood. The song was released during a time where many individuals like myself were embarking on new journeys, be it entering university or the workforce. But, what became apparent is that this wholesome song by Aviici became impossible to escape following its release on June 18th, 2013. 

It dominated clubs, radio stations and festivals. On August 21, 2024, ‘Wake Me Up’ surpassed 2 billion streams on Spotify. It also became loved globally, topping charts in more than 20 countries and became recognized as the highest-performing dance single in history with over 10 million certified copies sold. If this isn’t an indication of the song’s extensive and enduring popularity across various platforms, then what is? 

Produced by Avicii for his debut album “True,” released on June 17, 2013, ‘Wake Me Up’ was co-written by Avicii, Mike Einziger of Incubus, and American soul singer Aloe Blacc, who also provided the vocals. The song’s unique fusion of EDM with folk and soul elements set it apart, showcasing Avicii‘s innovative approach to music production. Colleagues and collaborators often remarked on Avicii‘s clear vision and determination. When he set his mind to a project, it was a moment of certainty, much like the creation of ‘Wake Me Up’ .

“So wake me up when it’s all over, when I’m wiser and I’m older” resonates deeply, as it captures not just the essence of hope and youthful passion but also perfectly describes the movement of time. Most of us are older and wiser now, so listening to Avicii’s track is bound to invoke feelings of nostalgia and deja vu. For me, it makes me reminisce about my youthful days of going out on a Friday night with friends, and just letting ourselves be swayed by the love for music and dance. This line in itself is one that reflects the universal desire to grow and learn through life’s experiences. 

This track not only solidified Avicii‘s status as a musical genius but also became a timeless anthem for generations to come. So honor Avicii‘s legacy by turning up ‘Wake Me Up’ and reliving the magic of those unforgettable days!

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