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39 Kingdom Talk About Their New Music, Writing Music During The Lockdown, Returning To Shows & More!

With 5 releases now under their belt, emerging duo 39 Kingdom have made 2021 their standout year thus far. With over 400,000 followers online, over 1`million streams on their discography, and releases on the biggest record labels, 39 Kingdom are certainly one of the brightest new EDM live projects at the moment. For their live sets, they integrate live instruments such as guitar, drums, and vocals, and when combined with their music you can understand why they are a highly sought-after live act. We had the pleasure of speaking with the duo about their new single, ‘Alright’, and more!

Hey, how are you both doing? Let’s kick things off with your brand new single ‘Alright’. How happy are you both with the finished product?
Heeey, we’re doing good, thanks! We are big perfectionists, so we can always find some flaws, as they say “there’s always room for improvement”:) The main thing is that we are happy that we were able to share our feelings and emotions with the listeners through this song

2020 was a tough year for all of dance music. Having released 2 tracks in that year, did you find it more challenging working and releasing music with no live shows?
Yes, totally! First of all, due to the inability to perform, we lost a bit of a guideline of what kind of music to write, because the music that we played, ceased to be relevant. Secondly, it was unclear why to release music without being able to play it anywhere.

During the pandemic, was it more tedious to write music?
It depends, sometimes yes, sometimes the track was written very quickly.

Will we be hearing more tracks in the coming months?
We are currently thinking about the style in which we want to write music. But yes, of course, we’re not going to stop!

With the return of festivals and shows across the world, are you guys planning on taking the step back onto the stage?
Of course! This will be the first thing we will do.

How excited are you for those moments in front of a live crowd?
This is what we live for, probably the best feeling in the world, to feel united with all these people.

Taking a look at your productions, you’ve released music on massive labels such as Universal Music, Armada, Revealed, Cyb3rpvnk, and more. How did it feel to have your music on such big labels?
I remember the very first time we released a debut single on one of these labels, by the way, it was Revealed, it made us very happy. But subsequent releases felt completely normal.

And with these releases, you both have always brought something fresh to the table in terms of style and genre. How important is it for you to continue to innovate and think outside the box when it comes to producing?
Once we tried to pursue innovation, but then we realized that it doesn’t matter, the main thing is what kind of vibe the song has.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with us! Is there anything you’d like to announce with our readers?
Nothing particular, we just wanted to wish everyone a good week. Be positive, the best is yet to come!

Stream ‘Alright’ below:

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