Everybody loves a good back-to-back set where you get to see your favourite DJs collaborate behind the decks to perform some amazing, memorable DJ sets. The concept of back-to-back sets is awesome, but for A State Of Trance 2025, Armin Van Buuren and Maddix are bringing something new.
As the closing set for the event Armin and Maddix will each be going behind their own sets of decks to do a face-to-face set which has never been done at an ASOT event. Their DJ booths will be facing each other in what they’re describing as somewhat of a ‘DJ Battle’ where they’ll each be throwing in their own music and styles to bounce off each other. Armin will also be doing 2 back-to-back sets during the event alongside ARTBAT and Ben Hemsley.
In the lead up to this Armin and Maddix have been spending time in the studio together preparing for it and have been working on a long overdue collaboration. The track they’re working on is specifically being made with the face-to-face set in mind, so it’s got very trancey parts from Armin and acid from Maddix that should add to that ‘DJ Battle’ feel during the set.
With only a few weeks left till A State Of Trance 2025 the anticipation is building for what promises to be one of the best events of the year.